Forum Discussion

ast's avatar
7 years ago

TestComplete v.12.5 with Powerbuilder

Hi there

Since two month I'm facing object recognizing problems with TC v.12.5 and our Powerbuilder object in test.
These issues could reproduce by Smartbear support.

Up to now I'm afraid they can't fix the problem and tell me how long it will take.
They only told me to stay with TC v.12.42 so far.

Has anybody else also object recognizing problems with Powerbuilder and TC v.12.5 (Object Spy and during play back)?


  • ast's avatar



    There will be no patch for 12.50 since SmartBear can't find the bug.


    ... but a pre-release of 12.60 (expected in third quarter '18) has "fixed" it (according to SmartBear) ...

    • ast's avatar

      Hi there,


      Strange but true...

      After a few years with TC/Smartbear our managment has decided to switch to a competitor because of the lack of Powerbuilder support.


      And I'm afraid to say the competitor supports Powerbuilder much better than TC. I tried it for two weeks and everything I wanted to automated (tables too) worked out of the box.

      Unfortunately the handling and development support (no debugging, almost no refactoring functions) of the competitor is much worse but what counts is the Powerbuilder support.


      Thanks to the community for their support and hey, may be we will see us in the future again :-).




      • ast's avatar

        Add on: v.12.6 has the same Powerbuilder bugs as v.12.5.

        12.42 works best for us until we have fully switched to the competitor.