Forum Discussion

Priyanka_Naveen's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

TestComplete supports SpreadSheet Gear application

I am trying to handle SpreadSheet Gear application using TestComplete via vb-script. I am able to record and replay some basic code of opening the application and writing some text in its cell.

I am trying to create an object of SpreadSheet Gear using vb-script, using following line of code:

Dim spreadsheetApp

Set spreadsheetApp = CreateObject( "SpreadsheetGearForWindows.exe" )


But on executing the code, I receive following error:

ActiveX component can't create object: 'SpreadsheetGearForWindows.exe' 


Please help that what should I do to create an object of SpreadSheet Gear…

  • Hi,

    To create an instance of a COM object, you should pass its ProgID to CreateObject. Make sure that you pass the correct ProgID value for the object you want to create.

    If you actually meant to launch an application whose EXE name is 'SpreadsheetGearForWindows.exe', you can use TestedApps.
  • Hi Jared,

    Can brief us on how to work with Spreadsheetgear controls embedded in a .net Application.

    Control looks like a Excel worksheet embedded in one of the screen wherein we insert some values and click on save (similar to excel sheet).