TestComplete occasionally skipping a test step.
Hello all,
I have made a test that has three steps, and am running it in an Azure DevOps pipeline.
Step 1: Click 'Save and Close'. This is an ordinary button at the end of a form. Once it is clicked, the page takes some time to load the save (this varies between 3-20 seconds). During that time the page looks like this:
Step 2: Click 'View Record'. This is a button that appears after the page has been loaded, and disappears about 5 seconds later. Note: Because of the variable time that it takes to save the record, I have set the Auto-wait Timeout for the step to be 30 seconds. This could then click on the object after the form was saved, no matter how long it took.
Step 3: Click 'Save'. After the View Record button has been clicked, you are taken to the Record, and there is a Save button on the main page.
Here are the three steps in the test:
The test, when run in the pipeline, will occasionally fail with the following error:
You would expect that the step right before the failure is Step 2: Click 'View Record'. But the picture shows that it is Step 1: Click 'Save and Close', and its place in the log also shows that it is Step 1. It jumps from Step 1 to Step 3: Click 'Save'. Of course, it can't find the Save button, because it hasn't clicked the View Record button (at least, there is no indication in the logs that it has). Does anyone have an idea of what is happening here?