Forum Discussion

cadeo's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Click on Span Object not working occasionally

I have the following menus in my application 

When I click on 'Self Service Tool' menu or hover over it, the following submenus displays

Here is my code to click on the 'Self Service Tool' submenu.

var Wait = require("Wait");
var browser = Sys.Browser();
var page = browser.Page("*");
Wait.findObject("//li/a/span[contains(text(),'Self Service Tool')]").Click();
Wait.findObject("//li/a/span[contains(text(),'Prior Authorization Work Queue')]").Click();


function findObject(selector)
var browser = Sys.Browser();
var page = browser.Page("*");
var obj = page.WaitElement(selector,1000);
while (obj.Exists == false){
obj = page.WaitElement(selector,1000);
return obj;

 The click on the 'Self Service Tool' object occasionally not working. The HTML attributes of the object are shown below.



In the logs, I can see Click is performed but the sub-menu list is not populating


  • cadeo, just realized there is an extra space at the beginning and end of the text. thats why its not able to find the object. use the normalize-space method in the xpath.

    ps: Do not copy and paste the below syntax as sometimes the quotes might be replaced with special chars and will not work in code. Please type manually in the code.

    //li/a[normalize-space(.) ='Self Service Tool']

  • tvklovesu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi cadeo,

    Instead of you use Span try using the <a> tag like below. By doing that it takes the full area of the object.


    wait.findObject("//li/a[contains(text(),'Self Service Tool')]").Click();

      • tvklovesu's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        cadeo, just realized there is an extra space at the beginning and end of the text. thats why its not able to find the object. use the normalize-space method in the xpath.

        ps: Do not copy and paste the below syntax as sometimes the quotes might be replaced with special chars and will not work in code. Please type manually in the code.

        //li/a[normalize-space(.) ='Self Service Tool']

  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Agree with tvklovesu, you can try removing span from your xpath OR instead of using //li/a[contains(text(),'Self Service Tool')] you can use "." to expand your search //li/a[contains(.,'Self Service Tool')]. I also would highly recommend using a browser extension like ChroPath (or similar) to help you find and validate your xpath objects. TestComplete doesn't always use the best mapping references, so a secondary tool can help ease the burden of relying on the Object Spy tool or weeding through the Object Browser.