Forum Discussion

Rafael_S's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

TestComplete Object Browser: Files not visible in Windows Explorer


to test drag and drop functionalities of our desktop application it is necessary to apply mouse actions to files in Windows Explorer.

Unfortunately, the files do not appear in the Object Browser. The last recognisable object is Window("DirectUIHWND", "", 1), which probably contains children as there is an arrow to expand it.
However, nothing happens when you click on the arrow.

Is there a way to display the files or is this not even possible under Windows 10?

I have already tested a * in the Open Applications to recognise all windows. Unfortunately this did not help.


  • Rafael_S's avatar
    2 years ago

    This was also my first thought.

    I have already worked with Windows Explorer in the past and stored the corresponding classes in the settings. That's why I found it strange that the trick with the * as a wildcard to accept all classes didn't work.

    But I was able to find the solution. Somehow the process filter was set to use only selected processes and the explorer was not added to this list. After I set the option back to use only tested applications, the corresponding objects are displayed again.

    Anyway, thank you for your efforts and have a nice day.



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Adding the WndClass property value to MSAA in project settings, will expose the controls in TC. Here, the Windows folders and files are shown in the Object Browser.


    • Rafael_S's avatar
      New Contributor

      This was also my first thought.

      I have already worked with Windows Explorer in the past and stored the corresponding classes in the settings. That's why I found it strange that the trick with the * as a wildcard to accept all classes didn't work.

      But I was able to find the solution. Somehow the process filter was set to use only selected processes and the explorer was not added to this list. After I set the option back to use only tested applications, the corresponding objects are displayed again.

      Anyway, thank you for your efforts and have a nice day.