Forum Discussion
As it was already answered by NisHera, it is not possible to import (migrate) Selenium tests into TestComplete because these two tools have quite different architecture, concept, internal implementation, language and dependencies.
Selenium tests can be executed from TestComplete as a part of TestComplete test. Though you should be aware and consider that:
-- TestComplete just spawns execution of Selenium tests to the specified runtime engine and logs it console output without any additional or special control of execution flow;
-- Like for the regular Selenium test, you will have to provide all infrastructure and dependencies required by your Selenium test which may significantly complicate and increase the size of your TestComplete project;
-- Due to the nature of Selenium tests, they are atomic, assertion-based and require browser launch on test start and termination on test end. This means that it is impossible (without obscured for support tricks), for example, to perform some test steps using already existing Selenium code, then continue with TestComplete and return back to Selenium.
And yes, you are welcome to install TestComplete 30-day evaluation (, try the scenarios that you are interested in and ask here a questions if any.