Forum Discussion
We were using 14.7 when the company started shifting to react. At first wee did not care about the UI being "delayed" since they were not impacting the actions, but as more and more components got changed, and more and more pages were not updating the UI when being tested, it started breaking the functional flow itself. We have tried it as well in the latest version 15.X, tried running it different machines that has better specs and the results are the same, as long as it's a page that has shifted to reactJS, whenever dynamic page events would occur, the UI would not change.
No, we did not change the flow but we did change all the identifiers to be able to point to the objects when the id's changed. We tried the same thing in selenium, and it worked there. :(.
We also have a dirty workaround but I feel like TestComplete should be able to handle it. Our workaround is as follow:
We find an object in the page that is already visible/interactable that triggers a dynamic event, it seems like page interactions that trigger dynamic events would trigger UI refresh but dynamic event triggered by backend would not (i.e our app is a chat app, if the other end sends a message, the message would not appear in the UI unless I click a button on the page that causes a panel to be visible triggering a UI change)
Hi wmtan01
I meant what happens if you record a new test,
Does it also struggle to replay successfully?
Either way it sounds strange however iv no doubt well get to the bottom of it.
If you haven't already I would suggest opening a support case
Add as much information possible (attach log files this can help the team debug the issue sooner)
If support solve the issue, kindly let us know what the cause was just for future reference