Forum Discussion

Doris22's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

TestComplete changed aliases in project

Hi All, 


TestComplete has changed aliases in Name Mapping from this: 



to this: 




It added brackets, causing all my tests to fail. 


Is there any solution to this problem? 

  • What has changed? Did you just update TestComplete or your app under test?

    • Doris22's avatar
      New Contributor



      This license is used by more then one tester, and as all licenses were busy at that moment, I have tried to use online license that I knew it was available. I have tried several times but ended up in some kind of loop (we have contact support, but with no solution up until now). In the mean time, I have tried to use TestComplete, and, at that point, it was avalaible with old license. 


      Since then, I have experiance problem with aliases in test complete. 

      In name maping tab, they are saved without brackets, as they are supposed to be, but in key tests, in value section, aliases are written with brackets.