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shubhangi's avatar
13 years ago

Testcomplete and 64 bit slaves


I am automating  following test scenario for an application using TestComplete 8

Note that : The scenario passes when tested manually. However automation fails only on 64bit OS.

1. Create a user with password in the application and Enable option to "Force Password change on next boot" for this user

2. Reboot

3. After reboot, a page for "Password change" pops up

4. Change the password

Above testcase fails on 64 bit windows (xp, WinVista, Win7) and runs fine on 32 bit OS.

On 64 bit. IT fails at Step 3, as the popped page is not found.



Slave-Win7(32), win7(64) with user - Admin (admin privileges) with "Password". 

Master- Win7(64)   Automatic Logon is ticked in NetworkSuite/Hosts for same user i.e Admin/Password


After some investigation, I could narrow down to root cause.

1. When machine reboots, the password change window is popped on both 32 and 64 bit machines .

2. Go to NetworkSuite->Hosts. Verify Host. It will lock the machine.

3. Go to the slave machine and unlock it.

4. On 32 bit machine, you can see the Popped up window.

Whereas on 64 bit, the window is not present and the application exe is been killed somehow

Any help solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Irina,

    You are correct partially. The window disappears if you do a
    switch user and then login with the same

    However window stays there if you do log off and login with
    same user.

    Scenario :

    1. I have autologin enabled for windows user DPAdmin.

    2. On Testcomplete "Automatic Logon" property is
    ticked for the host with username "DPAdmin"

    3.Host is rebooted after execution of Task1_1 using SaReboot.

    4. I wait for sometime (till host comes up after reboot) and
    do a Host.verify() before starting Task1_2 .

    5. Task1_2 expects the ForcePwdChange window .

    6. The window appears on Host and it stays there even if you
    do a Logoff (DPadmin) and relogin (DPAdmin)

    6. But it disappears if you click on switch user and
    Login(DPAdmin) ===> Bug in the product.

    7. It also disappears If you just verify the host using Host.Verify()


    Thats why I thought if verify is doing a switch user.



  • Hi Irina,

    Sorry I was not clear in my earlier post about the product bug.

    'It is "Force Password Change Window closes on RDP session on 64 bit"

    Thats what Testcomplete is doing for Host.Verify() method.

    I really appreciate you help and advice. Thanks



  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Shubhangi,

    The window disappears if you do a switch user and then login with the same user.

    Yes, it's correct, because when you switch a user, the operating system creates a new session and the window remains open in the session that was not closed (see my previous post). However, when you log off, the current session is closed and then re-created again. That's why TestComplete can access the window after the rebooting is completed.

    It also disappears If you just verify the host using Host.Verify() method.

    As I've said in my previous post, the Verify method (if the Automatic logon property is enabled) creates a new session. That's why TestComplete cannot access the window after you call this method.

    So, I think the behavior you described is correct.