Forum Discussion

daniel_dewinter's avatar
6 years ago

Java bridge - Slave project not working

Can somebody please help me with the following issue:
When trying to use a java bridge on the a project run on a slave computer using the networksuite, it fails. While running the same project "standalone" on the slave computer it works fine.
1 - Using the Network suite, copy the project from host to slave
2 - Using the network suite, run the project on slave via TestExecute (started from host)
  • Error. See picture, step (1)  (Related code See picture, step (2))
3 - Open the same project on the slave locally using TestComplete
4 - Run project
  • Java class works fine (---> PDF's can be read and compared to reference data)
  • Both on the host and the slave, when opening the 'Options' menu, the correct file is assigned as Java bridge. (
  • See picture, step (3)
When the project on the slave is started using the host, an error occurs
When the same project is started, that just before has been copied to the slave (locally), it works fine.
Kind regards,
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    6 years ago

    Yes.  Run TestExecute standalone on that remote box.  Then, right click on the icon in the Systray and select Options.  Configure the JavaBridge options there and save.  Don't forget to right-click and exit the TestExecute instance but that should do it.

9 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    The slave computer needs to make sure that the instance of TestComplete/TestExecute on that slave computer are properly configured for the JavaBridge.  Only part of the JavaBridge stuff is in the project file that transfers between machines (the JAR files, classes, etc).  The actual configuration pointing to the Java engine is part of the application settings (Tools -> Options) that is machine specific.  I would make sure that the java engine is properly configured and try again.

    • daniel_dewinter's avatar

      Hello Robert,


      Attached you find my configuration settings as present on my host and slave.

      I still don't understand why this doesn't work when running the project on the slave while started from the host.

      Can you spot anything wrong here?



      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        I don't see anything obviously wrong, no.  Configuration, it looks correct.  

        Just a quick question: On the slave, do you have your Network suite set to use TestComplete or TestExecute because they have different configuration storages.

        What line of code is that error happening on on the slave.  Can you double click on that line?  It would be helpful to know, specifically, what is generating the error.