Test runner exit code: -10 (Unable to create a user session).
I have a CI environment with jenkins where I'm trying to configure TestExecute to run functional testes. I have three machines that I want to use as jenkins slaves. I had succes in prepare one of those machines and in this case, the tests are running fine, but, in the other ones, I'm getting the error message "Test runner exit code: -10 (Unable to create a user session)." and I have no more ideas how to proceed.
Additional informations:
The jenkins is configured by jenkinsfile. The test stages are defined like this:
if ("${env.NODE_NAME}" == "SkyOne_QA"){
stage('Test Run Persona') {
testcompletetest actionOnErrors: 'MAKE_FAILED',
actionOnWarnings: 'MAKE_UNSTABLE',
launchType: 'lcProject',
project: 'nsjPersona',
suite: 'TestesFuncionais.pjs',
useTCService: true,
credentialsId: cred
In one of those 3 machines, the tests are running perfectly. In both the jenkins slave agents are installed as a service and the testcomplete service have permissions to run in interactive session. Finally, I saw the document with instructions about how to prepare a machine to run tests. I tried to cunfigure those two machines like the document says, but I had no success.
I hope you can help-me with this.
Thanks a lot!