Forum Discussion

hacka87's avatar
7 years ago

Test Run in a suite

Hello !


I have an issue regarding running multiple tests in a suite.

We use XamarinForms Version 3.3


I know that Test Complete for instrumenting the application requires a maximum of 2.5.

Do you know if other higher versions of XamarinForms will be supported by Test Complete.


We manage to run tests in small groups.

If I run the entire test suite , the tests are hanging, and do not get the proper results.


Do you know how to fix some stability issues regarding the test suite.

i believe there is an issue on how the app is closed before each test. It remains in the background.

I have tried with TestedApps.Close() and TestedApps.TerminateAll(). if I access the specific Proces I do not have access to methods as Close. I use the Press Back until the application is minimized in the background.


Best Regards,