Test Items result is failed, when the tests are passed
I'm using Test Complete 9 and I want to run a list of test items. I have declared all tests that I want to run as you can see in the screenshot attached.
The problem is that, after running all the tests items defined, I have the result that one of my test was failing. Looking at the test details, I see that the test was, in fact, passed. I investigated the problem, but is not comming from my code. See the mht screenshot file attached.
The command that i'm running is:
set WORKSPACE=C:\hudson\workspace\ul-desk-testcomplete-HEAD\qa\desk
"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 9\Bin\TestExecute.exe" "%WORKSPACE%\ULDeskV3.pjs" /run /project:ULDeskV3 /exit /ExportLog:"%WORKSPACE%\Log\AllTestsReport.mht"
Can you please help me, to identify the root cause of my issue, why the tests is failing when is passed? Sometimes this test case is passed, sometimes is failing.
Right, the second error is no longer displayed because you turned it off.
Now you've given us another piece of information, that different tests fail at different times but give the same error. My guess would be that you have some similar code at the beginning of each these tests that's timing out or failing some other way and then restarting.
If you'd like to post the first few lines of code of a couple of the failed tests, perhaps we can help you figure it out.