Forum Discussion

Vivek72's avatar
9 years ago

Test Execute window is Invisible

Hello. We were using Test Complete all these days and decided to use Test Execute and eventually use it in VM. What is bothering is Test Execute application is not visible although it was running in the background. I can see the processes running and can execute the project as whole by right click on taskbar icon but have no control on test units and customization. Since, we never used it before, we are not aware of how the Test Execute works and if something was to be set while installing the application. I have done repair on installation and still the same. Could anybody tell me where we are going wrong.



  • You're not going wrong.


    TestExecute has no UI. (Other than what you see through right clicking it in the task bar - outside that it has no on-screen presence)


    It's a run only agent. You give it a pre-prepared test, it runs it. You can't alter the test itself except via passed in parameters if you call the agent that way.

4 Replies

  • You're not going wrong.


    TestExecute has no UI. (Other than what you see through right clicking it in the task bar - outside that it has no on-screen presence)


    It's a run only agent. You give it a pre-prepared test, it runs it. You can't alter the test itself except via passed in parameters if you call the agent that way.

    • Vivek72's avatar

      Thanks for quick response Colin. Could you please tell me how I can manage to run individual test units or else run selected batch scripts using TE. I tried to open script unit in TE but it couldn't find executable file apart from .pjs extension.. which means it wants to run whole project which is not my requirement. Any other way I can manipulate execution?

      • Vivek72's avatar

        Sorry Colin. Excuse my last post. Just realised I can run TE from command line and can manipulate from there. :) Thanks anyway. I appreciate your help.