test complete unable to recognize properties of a new tab
I have a scenario in my testing where clicking on a button opens up a new tab in the existing browser. While rcording the actions on the new tab, it automatically maps the objects of the new tab to that of the existing tab. So, running the test fails.
I updated the object mapping for Tab Control to include the WndClass(Chrome_WidgetWin_1) as shown in the object browser, but that didnt help either. When I tried mapping the object(new tab) mannually, it just highlight the objects of the first tab. Although the window captions of both the tabs are different( one has window caption as MACHOPLIST-Google Chrome and another has MainMenu-Google Chrome
here is what test complete does when I try to view object properties of the second tab; I have to click OK object on the second tab but test comlplete automatically clicks on the first tab.The highlihted object in the figure is that of the first tab.
Downgrading Chrome isn’t a simple task. It’s already discussed many times here. You can search for the discussions. I would recommend that you update to TestComplete 10.6. Only the latest product versions support newest browsers.