Forum Discussion

bistritapcv's avatar
6 years ago

Test Complete record/playback error messages

I am using the recording (script) function to record a test and play back.  Occasionally the test will fail.  Then I get a page that looks like the attachment below:


It says there are two errors, but shows none.  I click on the "Go to Next: Error", and try right clicking on "Keyword Test Log [Test 2]", but no errors get shown.  How can I find the errors, display the errors, go to the errors?


  • Your windows are missing for the logs.

    Go to the TestComplete menu, click on View | Desktop | Restore Default Docking

    You should be able to see the errors




3 Replies

  • LinoTadros's avatar
    Community Hero

    Your windows are missing for the logs.

    Go to the TestComplete menu, click on View | Desktop | Restore Default Docking

    You should be able to see the errors




  • Bobik's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    I think you disabled errors displaying in log. Try enable all checkboxes in log viewer.