Forum Discussion

srini_g_vasan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Test Complete getting Hanged while spying modal windows


I m using TestComplete 9. TestComplete is getting hanged when try to spy few modal windows in my system. If i close the modal window TestComplete comes active.

I tried with 'Point and Fix' Object Spy method , But I m not able to select my modal window.. I m not sure about the issue. Could you please help me.

2 Replies

  • srini_g_vasan's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I noticed that if i closed the modal window i could see UIA Object for the form appearing in object browser.. Not sure what is happening
  • There is an article for Testing Modal Windows (this article is about TestComplete 10. I would see your in software help for TestComplete 9)

    If the window that you are trying to test requires user action, try seeing if you can map your window from the Object Browser. Once it is mapped you can try to call it to the front or check that it is visible. Once your modal window is visible you should be able to perform any actions on the visible window.