Forum Discussion

gopster1283's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Test Complete batch execution and uninterrupted runs

Hello everyone:

I am performing a proof of concept with TestComplete for my current organization. One of our current concerns is the ability for TestComplete to be executed uninterupted via a scheduler. If we encounter an error scenario (system crash, or any script related error) has Test Complete the ability to skip the current test and continue on to the next one? Is handling error conditions via scripting language the only way to handle this? Are there recovery scenarios similar to those of HP QTP? 

If TestComplete can be configured to run without interruption then this would be added ammunition in its favor.
  • Hi Gopi -

    It's okay.  I just wanted to let you know that there's a lot of stuff here.  I've been on other communities where the information wasn't available and/or the search didn't help you find anything.  

    From what I've seen, SmartBear does a good job of keeping everything updated so you do have the option of looking around on your own.  

    Good luck!
  • gopster1283's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Marsha. This is a great article.

     Excuse my novice behaviour. This is my first time on the community and to TestComplete....