[TechCorner Challenge #11] Converting UTC TimeDate in an Excel file
Hi everyone!
Up for a challenge? By completing the tasks, you can practice your skills of working with TestComplete features and also get into the TechCorner Leaderboard!
Today, we are going to work with UTC DateTime stored in an Excel file.
Task: Read the UTC DateTime in an Excel file (attached), convert the value for the PST (Pacific Standard Time) time zone and log each date in the following format: <month name> <day of month>, <full weekday name>. For example: September 8, Tuesday.
Note: Find the Excel file attached.
Steps to do this:
1. Read the dates from the Excel file using one of the approaches described in Working with Microsoft Excel Files.
2. Convert the dates using the aqDateTime object methods.
3. Log the date using the aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr method.
Best of luck to all participants!
Task: Read the UTC DateTime in an Excel file (attached), convert the value for the PST (Pacific Standard Time) time zone and log each date in the following format: <month name> <day of month>, <full weekday name>. For example: September 8, Tuesday.
This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #11]
function DateFormat() { // Creates a driver DDT.ExcelDriver("C:\\Challenge11\\DateTime.xls", "Sheet1"); // Iterates through records while (! DDT.CurrentDriver.EOF()) { //Display the date in the format <month name> <day of month>, <full weekday name> DisplayDate(); DDT.CurrentDriver.Next(); } // Closes the driver DDT.CloseDriver(DDT.CurrentDriver.Name); } function DisplayDate() { for(i = 0; i < DDT.CurrentDriver.ColumnCount; i++) var dateA =aqConvert.VarToStr(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(i)); //Convert the date from UTC to PST var dateB = aqDateTime.AddHours(dateA, -8); var date = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(dateB,"%B %d, %A"); Log.Message( "The date of " + dateA + " is : " + date ); }
Task: Read the UTC DateTime in an Excel file (attached), convert the value for the PST (Pacific Standard Time) time zone and log each date in the following format: <month name> <day of month>, <full weekday name>. For example: September 8, Tuesday.
This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #11]
Hi sonya_m and SiwarSayahi,
I try again.
# DelphiScript procedure Challenge_11(); var fileExcel, exSheet, Valx: OleVariant; i: Integer; begin fileExcel := Excel.Open('C:\\Temp\DateTime.xlsx'); exSheet := fileExcel.SheetByTitle['Sheet1']; for i := 1 to exSheet.RowCount do begin Valx := aqDateTime.AddHours(exSheet.Cell('A', i).Value, -8); Log.Message(aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(Valx, '%B %d, %A')); end; end;