Forum Discussion

jkrolczy's avatar
Super Contributor
2 months ago

TC\TE Versions 15.70-15.71 - Unable to open due to license or token issue

Just checking to see if any users are experiencing this issue.

** NOTE: My license server is on-prem with no issues until 15.70-15.71

Recently after upgrading to 15.70 and eventually 15.71, on random days, after restarting my Hyper-Vs or using ones that have been up for awhile, when I start up TE mostly sometimes TC, I'll get a popup titled ' Redirect to Login...'

This is preventing TC\TE from opening for using to auth or token issue.

There are various files created to assist with TC\TE to start up correctly and have the correct auth\token\urls to open.

The ones:


in the following locations


seem to not be updated or corrupted ???

When this issue is there, again you'll get a popup window titled - 'Redirect to Login...'

I have opened a Support Ticket and was provided steps to follow to resolve this issue,
but it still occurs randomly.

This is becoming more of an issue when scheduled runs occur and the issue happens.

Maybe the SmartBear folks in this community can explain from TC\TE startup to exit, what happens to these files that could be impacting them when TC\TE is started up the next time.
