Forum Discussion

Tora-Bora's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

tcCEFHook.dll load error 1114 (ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED)

"Compile Application With TestComplete Library":

HMODULE tcHook = LoadLibraryW(L"tcCEFHook.dll"); return NULL and GetLastError returns 1114 (ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED).

Tried with Delphi, Embarcadero Borland C++, Visual Studio 2015 C++.

  • HKosova's avatar
    9 years ago

    Hi Tora-Bora,


    CEF testing requires the Web module - does your license include it?


    We recommend using automatic instrumentation for CEF apps, as described in "option 1" here. Can you do that instead of compiling with tcCEFHook.dll? The error should not occur in this case.


    Regarding the 1114 error, the devs say the following:


    The 1114 error when loading tcCEFHook.dll is expected in the following cases:

    • tcCEFHook.dll is loaded from a location other than its original location (<TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions).
    • CEF app is running on a computer without TestComplete installed.

    The error can be ignored and it should not affect the app functionality or testability.


    To avoid the error you can:

    • Start TestComplete before launching the tested CEF app, or
    • Load tcCEFHook.dll from its original location, e.g.
      LoadLibraryW(L"C:\\Program Files\\SmartBear\\TestComplete 11\\Bin\\Extensions\\tcCEFHook.dll")

      Make sure to use the DLL version that corresponds to your app bitness (32-bit or 64-bit).

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    What version of TestComplete are you using?  What CEF version are you using?

    • Tora-Bora's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      TestComplete: 11.31.2420.7

      CEF 3.2454


      What conditions have to be met, for successful loading? 




      • HKosova's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi Tora-Bora,


        CEF testing requires the Web module - does your license include it?


        We recommend using automatic instrumentation for CEF apps, as described in "option 1" here. Can you do that instead of compiling with tcCEFHook.dll? The error should not occur in this case.


        Regarding the 1114 error, the devs say the following:


        The 1114 error when loading tcCEFHook.dll is expected in the following cases:

        • tcCEFHook.dll is loaded from a location other than its original location (<TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions).
        • CEF app is running on a computer without TestComplete installed.

        The error can be ignored and it should not affect the app functionality or testability.


        To avoid the error you can:

        • Start TestComplete before launching the tested CEF app, or
        • Load tcCEFHook.dll from its original location, e.g.
          LoadLibraryW(L"C:\\Program Files\\SmartBear\\TestComplete 11\\Bin\\Extensions\\tcCEFHook.dll")

          Make sure to use the DLL version that corresponds to your app bitness (32-bit or 64-bit).