Forum Discussion

Tobbs's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

TC doesn't find KeywordTests after renaming

I renamed and re-structured all keyword tests in my project. After restarting, TestComplete can't find these tests anymore. In the Windows File Explorer I can see, that the tests were renamed in the KeywordTests.tcKDT file. In the Keyword-Test folder the files were also renamed. But aparently they were not renamed in the subordinate .mds file.
In TestComplete's Project Explorer the tests are shown as unavailable, still in the old structure and with old names.

I guess that's a bug. But what can I do about it to avoid having to edit the .mds file manually?


Edit: I use Git, but it's not linked to TestComplete. When opening TC, I get the message "The Git executable was not found". I said "Work without Git".

Thanks in advance

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Look for references of "Fepu_wechseln" (Keyword Test) in all files, you should then be able to work out which files need to be modified -  I would personally use Notepad++ to modify the files manually to get it back into the state it was before. Only do this, if you are confident in making changes


    Make a backup of your project before making any changes though!

    • Tobbs's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks, but if possible I wanna avoid changing everything manually

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    No - I purposely caused the issue by renaming the file so that TestComplete can not find the file. I was just providing an example of how to go about checking and possibly fixing the issue.


    * I didn't rename the file using TestComplete

  • Where did you do the renaming? If you renamed them in Windows, I wouldn't expect TC to find them. Those folders and your folder structure in TC are not related.  


    Let's see a screenshot of your project please.

    • Tobbs's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I did the renaming in TC by clicking the test name in the Project Workspace and then typing in the new name.
      The unavailable test you see on the screenshot are at their old position in the structure.

  • Tobbs's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

     I opened a support ticket now.
    But maybe you have an idea for a workaround? Can TestComplete regenerate the .mds file?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Here's an example of the same error that I purposely caused,

    I've renamed the file Test3.tcKDTest to TestX.tcKDTest, and TestComplete is looking for the file which it can't find.

    • Tobbs's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks. Good to know, that you can also recreate it. So it's for sure a bug