Forum Discussion

gargashish's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

TC 8 node locked license and Installation


I've recently upgraded to TC 8.6 and have a few questions:

1. I've a node locked license. When I activated it, the machine name was captured and got updated under my online account. If in case, my machine crashes, would I be able to use the same license on a different machine (with a different name / IP)?

2. Would I be able to use a node locked license on a VM?



1 Reply

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Ashish,

    1. I've a node locked license. When I activated it, the machine name was captured and got updated under my online account. If in case, my machine crashes, would I be able to use the same license on a different machine (with a different name / IP)?

    You will need to contact our Sales Team and receive a new license key. After that, you can activate it on another machine. For more information, see the answer to the What happens if the machine, on which my License Manager is installed, is lost, stolen or destroyed? question.

    Would I be able to use a node locked license on a VM?

    No. A Node-Locked license can be activated and installed only on physical machines. For more information, see the Node-Locked License - Requirements help topic.

    I hope this helps :)