Forum Discussion

googleid_107949's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

TC 8 and QT 4.8 modules


I just joined a company and there are legacy TC 8.70.727 scripts testing a QT 4.8 application. Applying the QT 4.8 modules from does help TC in recognizing the QT controls.

However, the previous person who was working on the scripts have compiled a patch where the QT DLLs are the same as the SmartBear's ones (see attached) but the patch also contains 3 additional files: tcOpenApps.pls, tcMSAAAppHook.dll, and tcQtHook.dll

With his patch, the controls are recognized. My question is: what is missing in the official SmartBear patch and can it be added as we are planning to upgrade TestComplete to the latest version, but are so far resisting as we are unsure that the controls will be recognized.
  • googleid_107949's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    It appears that because our application uses QtGuiX.dll, QtCoreX.dll (it is a literal "X" instead of "4"), the hooks cannot attach to it.

    Now wondering how to change the tcQt*.dll , so they reference QtGuiX.dll instead of QtGui4.dll. I tried to edit the tcQt*.dll (please forgive me) but it didn't work. I think they need to be compiled properly.

    The other option is to ask our developers to rename the QtGuiX.dll to QtGui4.dll and recompile our application. Not sure how feasible this would be. But until something changes, we will be stuck with TC 8 patched by the previous automation test engineer.
  • googleid_107949's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
      TestComplete 9.0.1312 with original Qt 4.8 modules does not recognize the controls either. Please see the attachments:

    1) TC 8.70 - our patch - shows Qt controls

    2) TC 9.0 - SmartBear installer with original Qt 4.8 modules - no Qt controls

    3) TC 8.70 - Smartbear patch with Qt 4.8 - no Qt controls

    My suspicion is that TC 10.50 - SmartBear patch with Qt 4.8 will not recognize our Qt controls.


    Any idea how this can be rectified, so that the Qt 4.8 controls become available?

  • googleid_107949's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hey Alex - I will probably do this in the future. For now, our developers have decided to move to the canonical Qt libraries naming.