strange problem on migrating to .net 4.8
hello together
since a week I have a problem with mapped object in my AUT. They appeared when we changed the .net version from 4.6 to 4.8.
the simplest login form (last change in 2017) with data base, username and password.
before the change, testcomplete displayed the following
let usernameInput = Aliases.OpenTAS.dlg1201X6Login.ControlsContainer.xtraScrollableControl.dfsUsername.TextBoxMaskBox;
After the change is comming following:
let usernameInputNew = Aliases.OpenTAS.form.paneControlscontainer.Panel("irgendeintext").Window("", "", 1)
irgendeintext was taken from the edit field, so the test couldn't be executed from one other PC where text is different.
has someone any ideas how to manage the situation?
thank you all
P.S.: on the virtual machine is an older version of .net 4.8 installed (4.8.04084 vs 4.8.03761) and the mapping is ok
but the VM could not be used to write tests 🙂
corrupt update was the ground for strange behavior.
after reinstall is the erroneous behavior correct now