TC 12: Object Spy Issue with Chrome Version 51.0.2704.106 m (64-bit)
We are able to find and test against web objects within IE 11 for the page which we are attempting to test. However, Object Spy is unable to locate these same object in the same locations within Chrome.
When utilizing the Object Spy in chrome, the containers for the objects are all slightly off, therefore the test steps are not executing when the tests are executed against this browser.
I was able to re-produce a similar type issue using Chrome, with several public pages including Facebook. In those cases, TC12 could not recognize any of the fields on the main page, and could only see this top container. I was able to resolve this by unchecking the "Incognito" mode within the Test Complete 12 Extension within Chrome. This did not however did not resolve the issue we are having with our internal page, in which the containers are slightly off from the text they are associated to.
NOTE: When I utilize the page manually via the Chrome Browser, I am able to utilize all functions (Login, etc) without issue. The issue only happens when utilizing TC12.
Before going to our development team here, I was wondering/hoping if there are any settings/adjustments within Test Complete that can be causing this issue.
Additional Notes/Details:
I have ensured the Test Complete 12 Extension is enabled in Chrome
I have also ensured Test Complete 12 is updated with all current patches/updates for Chrome
I have Disabled the Option for Running in Incognito mode
It looks like this behavior requires investigation. Feel free to create a support case. Please record a video demonstrating how the Object Spy works with a public website (e.g.Facebook) over IE and over Chrome. Attach the video to the support case. Thanks!