15 years agoContributor
Stop Watch string object
I get the time in milliseconds from -
set StopWatchObj1 = histuils.stopwatch
I need to store this in a excel sheet so I use the function aqtime.writetotextfile to write it in a .csv file which I can open in excel.
The resut of stopwatchobj1.tostring in the .csv file when I open as text file shows the right string "0:00:02:690".
When I open the same in excel, I see the result as 00:00:2
Is there a way I can get the same format in excel??
set StopWatchObj1 = histuils.stopwatch
I need to store this in a excel sheet so I use the function aqtime.writetotextfile to write it in a .csv file which I can open in excel.
The resut of stopwatchobj1.tostring in the .csv file when I open as text file shows the right string "0:00:02:690".
When I open the same in excel, I see the result as 00:00:2
Is there a way I can get the same format in excel??