Starting an app on another VM
I am using TestComplete on an Azure VM. Now, in my test framework, I want to start a Windows application on another Cloud VM.
So Basically, what I want to achieve is this:
1. Testcomplete starts up on VM 1 (Azure);
2. When the test (in TestComplete) is run, it starts to run tests in TestExecute on another VM also in Azure;
Has anyone got experience on how to set this up?
When I configure Hosts on the VM, it cant find any of the other VM's I have created in Azure. Although they are running.
What is needed to configure this correctly.?
There are a variety of requirements for using other hosts. The TestComplete 11 Service should be running. The ports you are using for Network Suite should be configured the same all machines. By default it is 6090-6092. Make sure the ports are blocked.
Check the docs for more:
Distributed Testing - Requirements
Verifying Tasks, Jobs, Hosts and Network Suites
Message - Verification failed. Problems With Computers or Firewalls.