Forum Discussion

vondie's avatar
9 years ago

Slow to Load On-Screen Actions for Edit

Hi everyone, 


I am currently on TestComplete 12.10 Build 602 and experiencing performance issues when trying to edit On-Screen actions in Keyword Tests. I am building an automation suite for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and have been experiencing performance problems in general, so that might be why I am having this issue. It really is making TestComplete unusuable because I need to edit many of the On-Screen actions that get recorded and it takes 5+ minutes to load the On-Screen edit box. Has anyone else had this problem and do you know what I need to do to solve it? 




10 Replies

  • I was having delays like this when my name mapping was using "extended find" on every object. That is a default setting.


    I had to scrap my project and remap everything.

    I really hope this isn't the case for you.


    vondie wrote:

    Hi everyone, 


    I am currently on TestComplete 12.10 Build 602 and experiencing performance issues when trying to edit On-Screen actions in Keyword Tests. I am building an automation suite for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and have been experiencing performance problems in general, so that might be why I am having this issue. It really is making TestComplete unusuable because I need to edit many of the On-Screen actions that get recorded and it takes 5+ minutes to load the On-Screen edit box. Has anyone else had this problem and do you know what I need to do to solve it? 





    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      Correct, you don't need to use Extended Find on every object. It is a useful tool for those parts of web applications that are extremely dynamic (had a web app that I was testing where the hierarchal organization of elements on the page changed, literally, on an hourly basis... extended find saved me a LOT of time there). But it comes with overhead in that every object that has that flag checked needs to be "found" within the tree so there is some processing time to search for it.

    • vondie's avatar

      Can you enlighten me on how to disable it and if it's always necessary to start over with the project if Extended Find had been enabled previously?  I already saw in the Options menu that the checkbox for "Use extended find when possible" was checked (as stated that it was the default). I'm curious what will happen with my existing project if I uncheck that now after having built 8 or so tests with the Extended Find enabled.


      Any help is appreciated, thank you for the response!

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Unchecking the option won't change anything you already have mapped.  All that does is configure that, when TestComplete is automatically mapping your objects, that it will check that flag if it makes sense... and many times it does make sense.


        Again, Extended Find is a GOOD thing for the most part... but it can give a performance hit if it is used a lot.  There's a "sweet spot" somewhere in every project...  I can't necessarily tell you what that is for yours but I think you'll find that some places it makes sense and some places you can do without.


        See the last section of this article...