Forum Discussion
Hi nisgupta,
You will need to work with native methods and properties of the grid. TestComplete allows calling such methods. To learn which ones you can use, please refer to the control's documentation.
TestComplete should start supporting slick grid . We have lot of applications/forms that contain slick grid.
We need good framework to automate this type of grid. Since testcomplete do not support it we are not able to build any good framework for this grid.
- tristaanogre6 years agoEsteemed Contributor
There are, literally, HUNDREDS of grid type components out there... and there are new ones coming out all the time. So.... sometimes, different components need to be accounted for. This is why TestComplete allows you to write custom code and access native properties and such. so, you may need to build your own sets of methods and such to work with the grid.
Additionally, you can add this as a feature request in the appropriate forum for other users to vote on.- nisgupta6 years agoValued Contributor
You are right . whatever the grid sTestcomplete is supporting now - how testcomplete start supporting those grids. is it because those have high number of requests ?
- tristaanogre6 years agoEsteemed Contributor
Honestly... I don't know. I'm pretty sure there's alot of processing going into the decision... market share, number of requests, complexity, etc.
I'm guessing one of the reasons why SlickGrid is not supported YET is its open-source positioning. This is not a deterrent (SmartBear has several open source product offerigns themselves) but because it doesn't have (a based upon the website) a stable nature of something that you can say "here's our component", it's kind of hard to support it in a tool like TestComplete. As soon as they support it, all it takes is for someone to come along and change the component so the tool no longer works with it. So.... perhaps that's a factor, too.Now... all that said, please understand.
i am not a SmartBear employee so all these statements are my opinion and my opinion alone and are not reflective of SmartBear's actual policy.
In the meantime, as TanyaYatskovska said, you're best bet until support can be added (if it will be added) is to work with native properties and methods and such on the grid component itself and write your own library of functions to interact with the component. I've had to do that many times in the past and it really works well if done well.
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