8 years agoRegular Contributor
Simulating Key Press
Hi, I have a little problem. I want to simulate key press with Low Level. I have this code : function test(value){
var i = 0;
for (;i < value.length; i++){
var chrK = value.charCo...
- 8 years ago
That's because the KeyDown and KeyUp commands don't take the ASCII character string but the VK Code for the ascii character. You need to call a Win32API method to get this to really work properly. Something like
function testlp(value){ var i; for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++){ var chrK = Win32API.VkKeyScan(value[i]); LLPlayer.KeyDown(VK_SHIFT, 200); LLPlayer.KeyDown(chrK, 200); LLPlayer.KeyUp(chrK, 200); LLPlayer.KeyUp(VK_SHIFT, 200); } }