Setting/using properties in the cmd
I have properties set in my Testcases, I am trying to automate my test at work so two of these properties now need to be set using the cmd properties. I have origianly set these properties via the TestSuite so I can use them in multiple TestCases. for instance:
i think later use the property using this line:
"analysisId": ${#TestSuite#analysisId},
in a put json payload.
I have tried using this cmd command as follows and it is not working:
"testRunner.bat" "project" -PanalysisId='"Testing_01_11_17_05"'
It seems that the property is not being saved.
Thanks for your help
I think you posted this to the wrong group... it LOOKS like you're doing SoapUI testing... this is the community for TestComplete functional web testing. Try posting to