Forum Discussion

eykxas's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

Setting value in word doc

Hi everyone,


I'm working on some Word automation, and I have this kind of field in my doc :


I can read the value of these fields, but how can I change their values ? After getting the UIAObject, I don't know what to do to set a new value.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm not sure how to get UIAObjects to appear in Word.


    You might be able to use Sys.OleObject("Word.Application") and modify the field values

    • eykxas's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Unfortunately I can't get Sys.OleObject to work properly. I get this error on line 2 :

      1. var objWordApp = Sys.OleObject("Word.Application");
      2. var wordDoc = objWordApp.ActiveDocument;

      "Command not available: no document is open."



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You will have to open the document like,


    function main()
        var MsWord = Sys.OleObject("Word.Application");
        MsWord.Visible = true;


    Refer to to try and gain access to the objects you need. Hopefully, there should be examples on the internet, most likely written in VB Script, but it should give you a rough idea.

  • eykxas's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    I cannot do this. The docx file is not located on the local pc, but on a distant server loaded by a custom plugin. (there is no tmp file, everything is done in ram). Si I can't call "Documents.Open"


    in the meanwhile, I work with LLP but I'm not happy with this.