Sending emails to multiple receipents with built-in SendMail function
I am using testcomplete's built-in SendMail function to send emails via the scripts.
SendMail(ToAddress, FromHost, FromName, FromAddress, Subject, Body, FileName1, FileName2..FileNameN);
The problem is when I write more than one email to ToAddress section it fails.
According to documentation; "You can specify several addresses separated by commas or semicolons."
I tried to write recipient's emails by using separation methods as "," or ";" or "\," or "\;",
let ToAddress = " ," ;
let ToAddress = ""+ "," +"" ;
let ToAddress = ""+ ";" +"" ;
let ToAddress = " ;" ;
When I send an email to one recipient it works.
function send_Mail() {
SendMail(" ", "", "FromSenderTester", "", "Subject test email", "Body Test email")
But when I try to send it to more than one recipient it fails.
Not Work!
function send_Mail() {
SendMail(" ,", "", "FromSenderTester", "", "Subject test email", "Body Test email")