Forum Discussion

sdruker's avatar
11 years ago

Running the same project suite in two different computers


I have a project suite in shared mode, and I have keyword tests that are getting the browser type (IE\Chrome\FF) as a parameter. 

I want to excecute night run of all the secarios on FF and IE.

Is it possible to do that from 2 different computers?

Computer#1 will Run everthing on IE

Computer#2 will run everthing on FF

I had an idea  to store the value of the browser parameter in a csv and the tests will read it from the csv. But I figured out that this soultion is not helpful because it's a problem to read 2 different values, this is acctually the same issue that I had in the first place

any ideas?

  • Hi Sivan,

    Yes, this is possible.

    Not sure what problem with parameters you are talking about.

    For example, you may create a project variable of temporary type and assign this variable the value of the needed browser. Value assignment may be static or done dynamically during the test (by reading your CSV file). Then use this variable as a value for the parameter of the keyword test. In shared mode variable's value will be 'personalized' for every test machine.
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Sivan,

    Yes, this is possible.

    Not sure what problem with parameters you are talking about.

    For example, you may create a project variable of temporary type and assign this variable the value of the needed browser. Value assignment may be static or done dynamically during the test (by reading your CSV file). Then use this variable as a value for the parameter of the keyword test. In shared mode variable's value will be 'personalized' for every test machine.
  • Hi,

    I tried your solution, but the values are not "personalized" for each machine.

    I created a projectsuite variable which is changed dynamically for the keyword tests.

    I'm running the test on 2 different machines on different hours using the windows scheduler with silent argument, so I guess that what is hapening is that the first test is changing the projectsuite variable and after the test excecution is completed, because of the silent argument , it saves the changes so the second test will have the same value but I want them to run with different values

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Sivan,

    This sounds odd...

    Is the ProjectSuite variable of Temporary type? (The values of the variables of Temporary type are not saved and thus cannot be used fir the subsequent test runs.)

    Are you opening project suite using UNC path? (In order the project suite is opened in the network mode it must be opened using the \\server\sharename\someFolder\ notation, but not the drive:\folder\ one.)