2 years agoNew Contributor
Running TestComplete tests in VM when disconnected
I am trying to Run the TestComplete test in a self-hosted interactive mode windows 2019 server VM.
Issue: Getting "Sessionname Disc not found" error when a batch is ran.
Steps I followed to run Tests:
1. I have a VM which is created in an Interactive mode and TestComplete is installed in that with floating user license.
2. I have linked the Testcomplete tests with Microsoft TestPlan.
3. I have created a release pipeline as shown below in the screenshot.
4. I have created a "Disconnect.bat" file with the below script and saved it in the project folder itself.
for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (
%windir%\System32\tscon.exe %%s /dest:console
%windir%\System32\tscon.exe %%s /dest:console
5. I have a task called "Batch Script" in my deployment group job where I have given the path to the script from TFS.
6. when I ran the tests using TestPlan script ran with below logs
7. and when see the next log of VsTest it failed
8. Finally when I check the test log why it failed, then it showed as "Unable to navigate to the https://webpage url'
9. NOTE: same test works fine when i run it in the testcomplete tool or logged into VM and run.