Forum Discussion

murugans1011's avatar
Regular Contributor
11 years ago

Running Project test item


I have a scenario where i need to run the same project test item several times(say for 10).  so i just increased count to 10.  in some situation if there is an error posted in to the test log , then i need stop the current project test item. So i have used

                Runner.Stop(True)   'To stop only current testitem and move to the next item

in the Onlogerror event. So tc just stops current test item and moves to the next item even through the count is 10.. in my scenario i need to run same testitem again with different arguments till the count is reached...i cant able to find any method to this. now i m simply adding the same project test item several times.


 is there anything can be done with "onstop test" event to run same testitem again. Pls provide any suggestion to achieve my scenario.

  • There is another approach you can try:

    1. Get the name of the currently run test item:

    var test = Project.TestItems.Current.ElementToBeRun.Caption;


    It returns the name in the following format: Script\Unit1 - Main. So:

    2. You need to parse the string and obtain the name of the test and the name of the script unit:

    var arr = test.split("\\")[1].split("-");

    var unitName = aqString.Trim(arr[0]);

    var name = aqString.Trim(arr[1]);


    3. Now, you can call the function:

    Runner.CallMethod(unitName + "." + name);

9 Replies

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    There is another approach you can try:

    1. Get the name of the currently run test item:

    var test = Project.TestItems.Current.ElementToBeRun.Caption;


    It returns the name in the following format: Script\Unit1 - Main. So:

    2. You need to parse the string and obtain the name of the test and the name of the script unit:

    var arr = test.split("\\")[1].split("-");

    var unitName = aqString.Trim(arr[0]);

    var name = aqString.Trim(arr[1]);


    3. Now, you can call the function:

    Runner.CallMethod(unitName + "." + name);

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    I wouldn't use the OnStopTest event handler in this case.  I'd use the OnLogError handler.  In that handler, keep track of the iteration of the test item.  If an error is logged and it is not in the last iteration (iteration < 10), execute scripts or keyword tests that "clean up" the test so you can start the next iteration.  You might need to include code in your Test Item that indicates whether or not the iteration is successful.  A "try/except" wrapped around the entire test would help with that.

    I don't think this is something that you're going to be able to do with just a bult-in command but something that you're going to have to do some architecture work around your test items in order to make them self-aware of their state (iteration, error condition, success, etc).
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    //[VBScript] for above function

    Sub ProjectTestRun

       test = Project.TestItems.Current.ElementToBeRun.Caption


        arr = split(test,"\")


        unitName = aqString.Trim(tempArr(0))

        name = aqString.Trim(tempArr(1))

        Runner.CallMethod(unitName + "." + name)

    End sub

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Murugan,



    Something like this should work:

    IntegrationObj.RunProjectItem(<ProjectName>", "<ProjectItemName>")


  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Thanks for ur reply.

    I have implemented something like this in onlogerror event

    Sub GeneralEvents_OnLogError(Sender, LogParams)


      if RunErrorFlag=1 then  'Flag will be set if error is posted with high priority




         if Project.TestItems.Current.Iteration<testCount then

           Call Tc_Add_PRN_Categorywise  'function call

         End if

        End if


    End Sub


    but instead of calling a function if iteration<count ,i need somthing like


    but there is no method to run testitem from script. i need something lik  current running testitem's function should be called automatically till testitem count.
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    is there any alternative way instead of 


     Runner.Stop  'to stop current testitem and execute it from beginning somthing lik 'exit function' from  On LogError event
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi when i try this i got " cannot launch another instace of application".. I think that Interagtion object is to run project item from external application.

    I've contacted support team regarding this and found that this feature is not implemented yet. So i've added my vote.
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Tanya,

    Thanks for ur reply. This is what i m exactly looking for.

    I had spend lot of time because of this problem

    Now it works fine.

    Thank you so much:)