Hi Tanya,
thanks for your answer.
First of all, I guess I got it wrong how Visual Studio and MSTest are supposed to perform TestComplete tests - and failed to re-think my approach in time, which could have spared me and you my post in the first place...
In Visual Studio's solution explorer's tree structure, both TC10 tests and unit tests are equally inserted below the project node...in both cases you accomplish that by right-clicking the project node and select "add|[..] test"...in both cases, the respective test will appear in the Test Explorer view, and both kinds of test can be run seperately or together by some "run all tests" function.
That's why I expected both kinds of test to be euqally included into the compiled project - and that's where I was wrong: Looks like the TC10 tests are compiled into files of their own (.tc10Test files), which can be called by MSTest.exe the same way a .dll file would be called to run a unit test (using the /testcontainer:[filename] switch).
I guess I might use unit tests to run TC10 tests as you suggested, but since TC tests are the only kind of test I want to run, I guess I'm equally happy with calling .tc10Test files where I tried to run .dll files...
So thanks again - and sorry after all...I really could (and should) have noticed that the output directory does not only contain the [Projectname].dll I expected, but also some file bearing the name of my TC10 tests...