Forum Discussion

SangeetNenwani's avatar
11 months ago

Run multiple folders or test items using Command Line cmd

I am using the command from the following link

I am able to run a single folder or single item using it, and I exit the testcomplete.

But I want to run multiple folders depending on the environment or changes and exit once all of them are executed. But I cant find a solution for it

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    What do you mean running multiple folders?

    The TestComplete command line allows you to run your project, either running a single project or multiple projects within your project suite, using the appropriate command line parameters.

  • I want to run multiple items in one project. For example, in one case, I want to run the item A and Item B. In other scenario, it can be itemA and ItemG. Later It can be Item G and B. Everytime I have to start Testcomplete, run single item and close. But I want to start once, execute required items and then close


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm assuming "Items" is test items? 

    See Tags, which can be called from the command line using parameter /tags.

  • items means test items, or in some cases, folders or subfolders which consist of multiple test items