Forum Discussion

Meie___'s avatar
13 years ago

ribbon control based on ComponentOne can't be recognized by TC

Hi all,

In my tested application, TestComplete can't recognize the Menus and toolbars that are based on ribbon control, and the control belongs to ComponentOne controls. TC should ComponentOne controls according to the user's guide, however, it only finds C1MainMenu Property except other methods and objects in my test sute. My tested ribbon control and the corresponding image are attached.

Actually, I have found the objects for my tested ribbon control, eg. "Aliase.IncdAnly.Main.rbnMain.Tabs.item(0).Groups.item(0).Items.item(0)", but I can't find the click property for the example. And when I use the operation "Insert On-Screen Action", the tabs, groups, and items also can't be obtained. So, currently, I just use the pixel position to click the responding tab, group or button, eg. "Call.Aliase.IncdAnly.Main.Click(743,47)".

Maybe my tested ribbon control is the Windows Ribbon framework ribbons, so I configure it refer to the steps in TC user's guide. Unfortunately, it also can't find the tabs, groups and buttons, only find other MSSAObject properties in Object browser.

1 Reply

  • Hi,

    It looks like both archives are invalid. Can you repack your tested control and repost the archive here? Also, what exact version of TestComplete and ComponentOne controls do you have?

    Thanks in advance.
