8 years agoFrequent Contributor
Resizing Window
Hello, how exactly should I resize the browser window in test complete? I tried it with BrowserWindow.Position(0,0,width,1000) in a function where I give the width as parameter ... But it set...
- 8 years ago
So far I ended-up with this code. Hopefully it will work for you as well...
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the size of browser's viewport function BrowserViewportSizeSet(page, iWidth, iHeight) { var wnd; var iBorderWidth, iBorderHeight; var iWinWidth, iWinHeight; var res; wnd = BrowserWindowByPageGet(page); iBorderWidth = wnd.Width - page.Width; iBorderHeight = wnd.Height - page.Height; iWinWidth = iWidth + iBorderWidth; iWinHeight = iHeight + iBorderHeight; Log.Message(aqString.Format("Set browser\'s viewport size to %ix%i (window size is %ix%i)", iWidth, iHeight, iWinWidth, iWinHeight), aqString.Format("%ix%i\n%ix%i", iWidth, iHeight, iWinWidth, iWinHeight)); res = (iWinWidth > Sys.Desktop.Width) || (iWinHeight > Sys.Desktop.Height); if (res) Log.Warning(aqString.Format("Viewport size was not changed as it exceeds current size of the desktop (%ix%i)", Sys.Desktop.Width, Sys.Desktop.Height)); else { if ((wnd.Width != iWinWidth) || (wnd.Height != iWinHeight)) wnd.Position(0, 0, iWinWidth, iWinHeight); } return res; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns BrowserWindow object that corresponds to the given page object // From: function BrowserWindowByPageGet(Page) { var title; var wnd; // wnd = Utils.CreateStubObject(); // Utils is not accessible from Script Extension wnd = null; if (Page.Exists) if ("Page" == Page.ObjectType) { if ('edge' == Page.Parent.ObjectIdentifier) wnd = Page.Parent.BrowserWindow(0); // quick crutch else { title = Page.contentDocument.title; wnd = Page.Parent.FindChild("WndCaption", title + "*"); } } return wnd; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------