Forum Discussion

abrooks4's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

RefreshMappingInfo - doesn't work for Nuance dialog windows

I'm having an issue testing Nuance application:

Setting Document Open and Permission password via NuancePDF.dlg.Edit.SetText method, which works

There is a pop-up confirmation window prompting for the Open then the Perms password again. TC is unable to set text or interact with the pop-up. The only Playback property I have checked is 'On unexpected window' - Click on focused control. Please help!!


I've tried implementing a RefreshMappingInfo() before the SetText, this works against Adobe Acrobat, but does NOT against the Nuance application.

3 Replies

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero

    I guess, the 2nd pop-up property is different from 1st one. Hence TC is saying Unexpected window

    • abrooks4's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      What are my options other than RefreshMappingInfo()???


      Is this a bug in Nuance? Like I stated, a similar issue was discovered when setting the security settings in Adobe Acrobat and the RefreshMappingInfo method solved the problem.


      Even a record an playback won't work.

      • shankar_r's avatar
        Community Hero

        To make sure what is going wrong here, you can do below steps,


        1. Compare the the property and property values of both Popups
        2. If any difference then you need to make the adjustments in your tests.
        3. If that is not expected behavior in your AUT then you can raise a Bug