Forum Discussion

mleblanc's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Recording tests - object recognition issue in spite of extensions

I've recorded some keyword tests on my machine against a Java app and it's working great. It's recording the java objects automatically and can recognize objects such as Java buttons, grids, panes etc.

When I try to have somebody else record against this app on another machine, I'm getting different results. The second machine is only recording basic window information and doesn't go deeper than recording/mapping wndSunAwtDialog or wndXYZ. It's only picking up the Dialog/Frame and records all actions based on coordinates relative to the frame, not coordinates relative to each object clicked. The recorded properties of these objects only include WndClass/WndCaption.

I've compared projects and TestComplete settings on each device and they look identical, including the following:

  • 'Map object names automatically' enabled

  • Store Code Completion information: Full

  • Object mapping for all objects enabled (this includes all Swing controls)

  • The Java app executable added as a Tested App.

  • All extensions (Java included) are installed and enabled within TestComplete

Does anybody have any ideas what to check next? Do I need to install the actual Java Development Kit (jdk) on each machine in addition to the Java Runtime Evironment (jre)? I would think the TestComplete extension for Java objects would cover that.

Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!

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