Forum Discussion

rwestbury's avatar
12 years ago

Record Using Name Mapping Aliases To Support Conditional Extended Find?

Hi All,

I've recently upgraded to TestComplete 9 where the support for Extended Find was added when using Name Mapping Aliases while recording. This is great, however, most of our controls are mapped in a panel that is using Conditional & Extended Find simultaneously. So for example this panel is named X if you are on page x, and Y if you are on page y, as it's all based on the URL you are currently at. We did this so the controls for each respective page are mapped under an appropriate name. Essentially the same panel has many many names depending on which URL you are at. We were steering away from having to call this panel "Everything", because that's essentially what it is. This was the only way to get the structure of the Name Map as inuitive as we want it to be and we don't plan to change this.

The question is, is there a way around this issue? If not is there a plan to support Conditional & Extended Find controls when recording with Name Mapping Aliases in a future update?



1 Reply

  • aqAnt's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hello Robert,

    Actually, TestComplete uses all specified criteria to identify objects during the recording. I guess, you need to add additional criteria to recognize the panels properly. I suggest that you use the Required Children feature and the innerHTML property with wildcards.