Forum Discussion

BearTester's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Receive e-mail messages via MS Outlook 2013

 I found this this How To article explaining how to receive e-mail messages from MS Outlook. This article is old (dated as of 4/24/2012) and only support Outlook 2003, 2007, and 2010. I was wondering if anyone can help me with receiving e-mails from Outlook 2013?


I am using JScript. I tried using the portion of the code that interact with Outlook 2010 for Outlook 2013, but I am not able to verify I got the email I am looking for. Any help will be appreciated. Let me know if I need to post the code I tried using.

2 Replies

  • Hello,


    Can you elaborate on what exactly error or behavior you are getting with Outlook 2013 when trying to use the solution from the 'how to' article?

    • BearTester's avatar
      New Contributor

      Keeping the tutorial almost the same, except changing the version number from 14 to 15, I was always getting "The <account name> account was not found or the SendAndRecieve operation failed" error message. This error message is in the ELSE after the if condition "isMessageReceived2010(accountName, senderEMail, eMailSubject)" portion.


      I have done some breakpoint and looping through the for-loop in the isMessageReceived2010 method to see my problem. It seems that the code "items.Item(i).SenderEmailAddress" was returning an email that I was not expecting.

      The email was something like



      So I decided to parse the sender email for the expected characters such as VICTOR instead of looking for format. If you know of an easier way to handle strange email sender address, please let me know.