Forum Discussion
And i have Tried otherway to get the data but am facing the Python Run-time Error method cannot be callable
def ReadDataFromExcel(): xl = Sys.OleObject["Excel.Application"] book ="C:\\DriverSheet.xls") TCSheet = book.Worksheets("TestCases") #TCSheet = WorkBook.worksheets("TestCases") TSSteps = book.Worksheets("TestSteps") TCRows = TCSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count for i in range(2,TCRows): if TCSheet.cells(i,2).Value == "Yes": SlNo = TCSheet.cells(i,1).Value Module = TCSheet.cells(i,2).Value TestCase = TCSheet.cells(i,3).Value Duration = 0 TSRows = TSSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count for j in range (2,TSRows): if((TSSheet.cells(j,1).Value == TestCase) and ( TSSheet.cells(j,4).Value == "Yes")): Flag = Flag+1 if Flag ==1: Report.CreateTestCaseReportHeader(TestCase) TSCols = TSSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count TSData = "" for k in range (5 , TSCols): TSData = TSData & TSSheet.cells(j,k).Value & ";" Parameter = Split(Tsdata,";") BeforeTime = aqDateTime.Time() Execute.TSSheet.cells(j,3).value AfterTime = aqDateTime.Time() Duration = Duration + aqDateTime.TimeInterval(AfterTime,BeforeTime)
The example is creating folders in the log file called Record: 0, Record: 1, etc.
Expand the folders to see the values.
- JackSparrow9 years agoFrequent Contributor
joseph_michaud thanks for the info which location it will create the folder and details.
- joseph_michaud9 years agoModerator
The folders are logical constructs. (They are implemented as different node types in the log file.)
To see the folder contents click on the 'plus' to the left of the line in the TestComplete Test Log.
- JackSparrow9 years agoFrequent Contributor
There is no'plus' to the left of the line in the TestComplete Test Log.But when i checked in the Additional info it was showing the values , now i can read a single column value and based on that i need to read the entire row values stored in diff param's .Can you please help me out
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