- Since DTD driver won't write back to excel. First we need to read the excel and count all the rows as in below function.
- I have implemented using C#Script but the concept is same. It can be with other scripting languages too.
//Function to read excel file row by row.
function getExcelRowCount(varAny1 , varAny2){
//varAny1 , varAny2 are excel file path and excel sheet name respectively.
var count = 0;
driver = DDT["ExcelDriver"](varAny1, varAny2, true);
var isEndOFFile = driver["EOF"]();
while (!driver["EOF"]())
if((driver["Value"]("TestExecutionFlag") == "Y") || (driver["Value"]("TestExecutionFlag") == "y"))
count ++;
else if((driver["Value"]("TestExecutionFlag") == "N") || (driver["Value"]("TestExecutionFlag") == "n"))
count ++;
DDT["CloseDriver"](driver["Name"] );
return count;
- Once we have all the row count with us. We can iterate through it and execute all the test methods like below.
//Since DTD driver won’t write back the test status to excel file, we have to do a work around. Below method will get the status message from test method and write to excel; whether the test is paa or fail.
// We only have to return success or failure from test methods.
// COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"] is an integer value for column number to be updated with test result(Pass, Fail or Not Run). For reusability purpose i am calling it from Constant(Property) file.
function executeTestCaseFromExcelFile(fname, sheetName)
count = getRowCount(fname, sheetName);
var passString = "Pass";
var failString = "Fail";
var notRunString = "Not Run";
var statusColumn = 5;
var app = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application");
var book = app.Workbooks.Open(fname);
var sheet = book.Sheets(sheetName);
app.DisplayAlerts = false;
for(var row = 2; row <= count + 1; row++)
if((sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"] -1) == "Y") || (sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"] -1) == "y"))
var testMethodName = sheet.Cells(row, 3).Value;
var runnerResult = Runner["CallMethod"](testMethodName);
var isSuccess = aqString["Compare"](runnerResult, "Success", false);
Log["Message"]("status runnerResult type is = " + isSuccess);
var errCnt = Log["ErrCount"];
Log["Message"]("errCnt = " + errCnt);
if(isSuccess == 0)
sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"]).Interior.ColorIndex = 4; //4 is color index of Green
sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"]) = passString;
sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"]).Interior.ColorIndex = 3; //3 is color index of Red
sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"]) = failString;
else if((sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"] -1) == "N") || (sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"] -1) == "n"))
sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"]).Interior.ColorIndex = 6; //6 is color index of Yellow
sheet.Cells(row, COMMON_CONSTANTS["testStatusColumnValue"]) = notRunString;
- Consider below as an example of test method and implement accordingly.
function LaunchAndCloseApplication(){
var result;
TestedApps["calc"]["Run"](1, false, 30000)
var lnkCalc = Aliases["XYZ"];
if(lnkCalc ["Exists"] == true){
result = "Success";
} else {
result = "Failure";
lnkCalc ["Click"]();
return result;
TC ID | TestDescription | TestMethodName | TestExecutionFlag | Result |
1 | Verify that the application is launched successfully. | LaunchAndCloseApplication.LaunchAndCloseApplication | Y | Fail |
2 | Verify PDF data. | ReadPDFData.verifyPDFTextValue | N | Not Run |
3 | Verify the path of last modified file in a folder. | LastModifiedFileInFolder.getLastModifiedFileName | Y | Pass |
Hope this helps. For further query , reply back.