Forum Discussion

wynandb1's avatar
10 years ago

Re: .VBS Script Help Again Please...

Good day


I need help with the following code again please. 


I need to open excel file A with data in, and copy the content from Cell (F1) . 


Then I need to open excel File B and paste the content copied from excel file A Cell (F1) to Cell (A1) in excel file B.


Herewith the code that I have thats not working . 


dim obXl,obWb,wbA,wbB

Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXl.Visible = True


Set objWbA = objXl.WorkSheets.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\Surebank_Release_Regression_Test_Data.xls")("Sheet1")
Set objWbB = objXl.WorkSheets.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.xls")("Sheet1")


objWbB.SaveAs "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary" & "csv", 23


Set objExcel = Nothing
set objExcelBook = Nothing


 Any Help would be appreciated


Kind Regards





  • Hi Wynand,


    • Start by putting Option Explicit at the top of each of your VBScript units, and re-run the code. It'll alert you about undeclared variables, and will help spot misspelled or misused variable names.

    • Make sure to Dim and initialize (assign values) all variables before using them. For example, your code uses the following variables that haven't been assigned values: excel, wsA, wsB, objWb, wsTo, objExcel, objExcelBook

    • To open an Excel file, use the Excel object's .Workbooks.Open method, not .WorkSheets.Open.

    • To access sheets, use a workbook object's .Sheets("sheet_name") property.

    • There's no need to use .Copy and .Paste - you can assign the cell values directly, as in a = b.

    • "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary" & "csv" - this creates the file name ...\Beneficiarycsv. It is missing the dot (.) before the extension.

    • Avoid magic numbers like 23 in your code, turn them into named constants.


    Option Explicit

    Const xlCSVWindows = 23 Dim objXl, objWbA, objWbB, objSheetA, objSheetB Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXl.Visible = True objXl.DisplayAlerts = False Set objWbA = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\Surebank_Release_Regression_Test_Data.xls") Set objSheetA = objWbA.Sheets("Sheet1") Set objWbB = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.xls") Set objSheetB = objWbB.Sheets("Sheet1") objSheetB.Range("A1").Value2 = objSheetA.Range("F1").Value2 objWbB.SaveAs "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.csv", xlCSVWindows objWbB.Close objWbA.Close


  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Wynand,


    • Start by putting Option Explicit at the top of each of your VBScript units, and re-run the code. It'll alert you about undeclared variables, and will help spot misspelled or misused variable names.

    • Make sure to Dim and initialize (assign values) all variables before using them. For example, your code uses the following variables that haven't been assigned values: excel, wsA, wsB, objWb, wsTo, objExcel, objExcelBook

    • To open an Excel file, use the Excel object's .Workbooks.Open method, not .WorkSheets.Open.

    • To access sheets, use a workbook object's .Sheets("sheet_name") property.

    • There's no need to use .Copy and .Paste - you can assign the cell values directly, as in a = b.

    • "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary" & "csv" - this creates the file name ...\Beneficiarycsv. It is missing the dot (.) before the extension.

    • Avoid magic numbers like 23 in your code, turn them into named constants.


    Option Explicit

    Const xlCSVWindows = 23 Dim objXl, objWbA, objWbB, objSheetA, objSheetB Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXl.Visible = True objXl.DisplayAlerts = False Set objWbA = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\Surebank_Release_Regression_Test_Data.xls") Set objSheetA = objWbA.Sheets("Sheet1") Set objWbB = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.xls") Set objSheetB = objWbB.Sheets("Sheet1") objSheetB.Range("A1").Value2 = objSheetA.Range("F1").Value2 objWbB.SaveAs "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.csv", xlCSVWindows objWbB.Close objWbA.Close


    • wynandb1's avatar

      Hi Helen


      Thank you or your help. 


      I will certainly follow these guidelines. However there is still a problem with the script. 


      I am getting the following error when I run this code.


      Line 13 Char 1 Error : Subscript out of range.  


      Could you perhaps assist  please ? 


      Option Explicit

      Const xlCSVWindows = 23 Dim objXl, objWbA, objWbB, objSheetA, objSheetB Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXl.Visible = True objXl.DisplayAlerts = False Set objWbA = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\Surebank_Release_Regression_Test_Data.xls") Set objSheetA = objWbA.Sheets("Sheet1") Set objWbB = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.xls) Set objSheetB = objWbB.Sheets("Sheet1") objSheetB.Range("A1").Value2 = objSheetA.Range("F1").Value2 objWbB.SaveAs "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary.csv", xlCSVWindows objWbB.Close objWbA.Close
      • HKosova's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Assuming line 13 is

        Set objSheetB = objWbB.Sheets("Sheet1")

        double-check the sheet name in your Beneficiary.xls file and update the code accordingly.

        If your Excel files have just one sheet, you can also use .Sheets(1) instead of .Sheets("sheet_name").

        P.S. Generic scripting questions that aren't directly related to TestComplete have better luck being answered on programming forums like Stack Overflow.

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Wynand,


    Here are some notes based on your code:


    objWb.Activate 'I think you should activate the excel file A here
    wsB.Activate ' wsB wan't declared. You shoyld activate the excel file B here
    wsB.Paste ' wsB wasn't assigned
    objWbB.SaveAs "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary" & "csv", 23
    Set objExcel = Nothing
    set objExcelBook = Nothing


    • wynandb1's avatar

      Hi Tanya


      This is what I tried after your comments. Please note that I am not a developer. This is code that I scaped together from the internet and tweaked it a little. 


      dim obXl,obWb,wbA,wbB

      Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
      objXl.Visible = True


      Set objWbA = objXl.WorkSheets.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\FileA.xls")("Sheet1")
      Set objWbB = objXl.WorkSheets.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\FileB.xls")("Sheet1")


      objWbB.SaveAs "C:\Users\Wynandb\Documents\TC_Bizbank_Batch_Import\Beneficiary" & "csv", 23


      Set objExcel = Nothing
      set objExcelBook = Nothing