Questions about not hard coding Login Credentials in TestComplete
I am working on some other questions that I have regarding the TestComplete during my evaluation process of the product.
Is there an easy way to create a test script so that the user credentials are not hard coded into the scripts.
textboxUsername SetText "XXXX" Sets the text 'XXXX' in the 'textboxUsername' text editor.
textboxUsername Keys "[Tab]" Enters '[Tab]' in the 'textboxUsername' object.
passwordboxPassword SetText Project.Variables.Password1 Sets the text Project.Variables.Password1 in the 'passwordboxPassword' text editor.
passwordboxPassword SetText Project.Variables.Password2 Sets the text Project.Variables.Password2 in the 'passwordboxPassword' text editor.
passwordboxPassword Keys "[Enter]" Enters '[Enter]' in the 'passwordboxPassword' object.
Now the way the system sets it up is that its hardcoded with a user name and their password.
I want to be able to generate a test where I can setup the code so that the other members on our team will enter their credentials to continue on with
a test?
What you can do is walk through those logging in steps manually and have TestComplete record them in a test for you. Then you can add that part to an existing test or add other steps to it.
Try this and let us know if you have questions.