Forum Discussion

ebodien's avatar
12 years ago

Qt Type Mismatch Error

I am trying evaluate whether a given string will fit in the space provided on the screen.  The application uses QT and the QT library has the methodQbounding_Rect.  It seems like the following should work:

sub Fit(Target)

'Target = Aliases.Viewer.MainWindow.centralwidget.swMain.pgMainScreen.frmMainControl.lblControl


end sub

However I get a type mismatch error.  The QT help states that the paramber must be a QString which I thought was the QtText property.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Community,


    Can someone suggest Eero how to work with QString in TestComplete?


  • rgratis's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    You may have already checked this, but I noticed in the QFontMetrics class references online that there are multiple variations of boundingRect.  Perhaps TestComplete is breaking them out as different methods (_1, _2, _3, and _4 as above).  I've noticed this happens with native Java methods sometimes in my application.  If so, i would guess the "_4" method is not the one that accepts the text parameter.

  • Thanks for the response.

    I did try the other boundingRect methods and they gave a different error, the error they gave was for the wrong number of parameters passed to the function so it looks like Rect_4 is the one I want. As far as I can determine:

    TC -> Qt

    boundingRect_3 -> boundingRect ( QChar ch ) const

    boundingRect_4 -> boundingRect ( const QString & text ) const

    boundingRect_5 -> boundingRect ( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString & text, int tabStops = 0, int * tabArray = 0 ) const

    boundingRect_6 -> boundingRect ( const QRect & rect, int flags, const QString & text, int tabStops = 0, int * tabArray = 0 ) const
  • rgratis's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    In that case, perhaps a generic string as returned by QtText is not interpretable as a QString.  You could use a native Qt method to obtain a QString and try that?

  • I'm not sure what you mean, could you give me an example?  Are you suggesting that I add a Qt method to the TestComplete Script or add a method to the Qt application that TestComplete will be able to access?
  • rgratis's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    I was hoping you would able to access the native "text" property/field of the target control in TestComplete (versus Target.QtText).  Not sure if it would just be Target.text or it it would have some sort of prefix (QString_text?).  I don't have a QT app I could browse through here, so you'll have to scan through the Object Spy.

    If this is not the case, then yes, you could try to add a method or write some sort of function that would construct a QString object.  Always "interesting" trying to mix and match TestComplete scripting and native app methods...
  • Ah I understand now.

    I have tried using .Text instead of .QtText.  It gives me a different error: Object required instead of type mismatch.

  • rgratis's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    My last idea here is trying the native namespace: Target.NativeQtObject.text.  Otherwise, putting the Object Browser into Advanced mode and scanning the list of Qt fields and methods for something that would return text.

    I took a look through the help topic on accessing native elements, and I don't really see anything there that would suggest that you can't access the native text property.

    Perhaps someone else has a few ideas?
  • Test complete really didn't like Target.NativeQtObject.Text, the error given was: Object doesn't support this property or method

    Using the object browser everything is fine, both the QtText and Text properties show the expected text. A log.message of Target.Text and Target.QtText both record the text the Qt Application is showing on the screen but for some reason the boundingRect_4 isn't playing nice.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Eero,


    QtText is TestComplete's property. It doesn't return QString. You need to initialize the QString object from the script and pass it to the method.